North Region Champions in the 1960s

Two early LL powerhouses made their last World Series appearances in the 1960s, as Indiana's Terre Haute American (region titles in 1961 and 1968) and Illinois' Kankakee Jaycees (region titles in 1950, 1958, 1962, and 1966) both made a pair of World Series appearances. Kankakee's 1962 squad reached the Little League World Series championship game before being no-hit by California's Campbell-Moreland LL.

Chicago's Roseland North LL also reached the World Series title game in 1967. They lost 4-1 to a West Tokyo, Japan team that became the first Far East World Series titlist.

Select a year to see details from that year's region tournament.

North Region Champions of the 1960s

1969 - Elyria West LL (Elyria, OH)
1968 - Terre Haute American LL (Terre Haute, IN)
1967 - Roseland North LL (Chicago, IL)
1966 - Jaycee LL (Kankakee, IL)
1965 - George Rogers Clark LL (Jeffersonville, IN)
1964 - Bartlesville National LL (Bartlesville, OK)
1963 - Duluth Central LL (Duluth, MN)
1962 - Jaycee LL (Kankakee, IL)
1961 - Terre Haute American LL (Terre Haute, IN)
1960 - Kiwanis LL (New Boston, OH)

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