Central Region Champions in the 1970s

Indiana leagues reeled off three consecutive region titles to begin the 1970s, including wins by Hammond Edison and Gary Anderson squads that later reached the Little League World Series championship game. The 1971 Gary Anderson team was led by future major leaguer and Little League tournament legend Lloyd McClendon.

Davenport Southeast's 1975 winner earned that state's first ever World Series berth, but the state didn't have to wait long for the next one: the Des Moines Windsor LL won the title the next year.

Select a year to see details from that year's region tournament.

Central Region Champions of the 1970s

1979 - Grosse Pointe Woods-Shores National LL (Grosse Pointe Woods, MI)
1978 - Palatine South LL (Palatine, IL)
1977 - Midget Boosters LL (Youngstown, OH)
1976 - Windsor LL (Des Moines, IA)
1975 - Southeast LL (Davenport, IA)
1974 - Tallmadge LL (Tallmadge, OH)
1973 - Birmingham Federal LL (Birmingham, MI)
1972 - Edison LL (Hammond, IN)
1971 - Anderson LL (Gary, IN)
1970 - Highland South LL (Highland, IN)

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